The competition for business plans for youth has started Hajnówka Wita October 21, 2022
Konkurs ,,mój pomysł na biznes w Hajnówce"

The competition for business plans for youth has started

We have 24 applications from students

This is the first such initiative in Hajnówka. Business plans will be created by high school students who want to stay in the city after graduation and run their business here. The works will be evaluated by experts, and the best three will be awarded. In turn, all participants of the competition can count on participation in the Youth Business Academy, during which each participant will be able to take advantage of a 10-hour training and workshop support and additionally individual counseling. The project also includes two meetings with entrepreneurs operating in the city of Hajnówka.

They will be launched next week. The first will concern the formal and legal grounds related to setting up and running a business. The competition “My idea for a business in Hajnówka” is part of the project “Hajnówka ReNewal – Green Transformation”.

The aim of the project is to popularize knowledge about entrepreneurship among students of schools in Hajnówka. We would like to convince them that starting their own business can be a good way to achieve professional success and stay in the city after graduation. We especially want the competition business plans to be related to the local resources and potential of the region, i.e. everything that distinguishes us from other cities.

Magdalena Chirko, head of the Development Department of the Hajnówka City Hall and project leader
Konkurs na biznesplan.
Konkurs na biznesplan. Zdjęcie czarno-białe przedstawiające młodzież podczas spotkaniana auli.

Thanks to the competition, young people will have the opportunity to confront their ideas with the knowledge and experience of professionals. The topic of the training will be the very creation of a business plan – students will learn how to create it from scratch, as well as effective marketing, including internet, self-promotion and finance.

In total, 24 application forms were received from three schools in Hajnówka. We received the most applications from the Vocational School Complex - 12.

Alicja Orzechowska from the Podlasie Regional Development Foundation - organizer of the project

Here, the project met with great interest – students attended the information meeting in large numbers. In turn, seven applications were received from the 1st High School, while from the 2nd High Schoo – five. Some students have formed groups, others prefer to work alone.

Konkurs na biznesplan. Uczniowie szkoły średniej, podczas zajęć w klasie.

Training will be conducted mainly by our experts, but not only. We want their form to be as accessible and adapted to young people as possible.

Alicja Orzechowska from the Podlasie Regional Development Foundation

The next step is to create a business plan. Young people have until December 4 to do so. Their task will also be to make a video presenting their business and a simple description of the business idea. The works of the participants will be evaluated by the competition committee. The competition will end in mid-December. There will be prizes for the first three places in the amount of:

  • PLN 3,000.00 for the first place,
  • PLN 2,000.00 for the second place,
  • PLN 1,000.00 for the third place

PLN 1,000.00 – Internet users’ prize, independent of the commission’s assessment

In addition, the person/people who will win the first place in the competition “My business idea in Hajnówka” will have the cost of the THOMAS INTERNATIONAL test, which examines the predispositions to run a business, paid for.

zielono-granatowe logo, thomas, your business. your people. but better
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