The competition “My idea for a business in Hajnówka” has been settled Hajnówka Wita December 19, 2022
Uczestnicy konkursu "Mój pomysł na biznes"

The competition "My idea for a business in Hajnówka" has been settled

Winners can sense the needs of the residents

Gabriel would like to produce non-alcoholic wine from ingredients from the Białowieża Forest, Weronika would like to offer physiotherapy and massage at the patient’s home, and Weronika and Oliwia would like to create an atmospheric meeting place for young people. Winners have ideas. They still have school graduation ahead of them, but after that, who knows? It is possible that they will increase the group of Hajnów entrepreneurs.

Roztrzygnięcie konkursu dla młodzieży Mój pomysł na biznes. Uroczysta Gala. Na ścianie duży slajd z tytułem konkursu. Przy mikrofonie stoi mężczyzna, który w ręku ma teczkę i przemawia.
Trzy młode dziewczyny siedzą uśmiechnięte w pierwszym rzędzie sali widowiskowej.

The aim of the competition was to arouse in young people an entrepreneurial attitude and the conviction that in order to pursue a professional career, one does not have to leave Hajnówka. The competition was addressed to students of the 2nd and 3rd grade of secondary schools and met with considerable interest. In total, 24 people took part in it – students of the Vocational School Complex and the 1st and 2nd High School in Hajnówka. Some worked in groups, others individually, resulting in 13 business plans. They were preceded by training on formal and legal issues related to running a business, marketing, finance and meetings with entrepreneurs.

The ceremonial conclusion of the competition “My idea for business in Hajnówka” took place last Thursday (15.12) in the House of Culture in Hajnówka.

Scena. Na niej dwóch mężczyzn, obaj ubrani w garnitur. Jeden z nich mówi do mikrofonu. Obaj są uśmiechnięci.

Thank you for accepting the invitation to our contest. A business idea can be implemented anywhere, which can be seen here. There are young businessmen among us who once, like you, had an idea. I hope that your ideas in the future will bear fruit as positively as the entrepreneurs who are present here in the room.

Jerzy Sirak, mayor of Hajnówka

The event took place as part of the “Hajnówka ReNewal – Green Transformation” project and was organized by the Podlasie Foundation for Regional Development.

I am very happy that the foundation can be part of your ambitious project, which is to make Hajnówka a place where you will want to stay in the future.

Marek Dźwigaj, president of PFRR

Entrepreneurs from Hajnówka supported young people

The creation of business plans would not be possible without the support of teachers. Special thanks were received by Anna Lasota, vice-principal at the Vocational School Complex in Hajnówka and two coordinating teachers – Natalia Kotrys from ZSZ and Michał Juszczuk, who helped participants from I and II LO.

Scena. W tle napis Mój pomysł na biznes. Na scenie stoją dwie kobiety i trzech mężczyzn. Wszyscy są elgancko ubrani.

Entrepreneurs from Hajnówka shared their knowledge and experience with young people. Participants of the workshop were Agata Łuksza, owner of Pracownia Bobra, graphic artist and cartoonist, Stefan Bedkowski, owner of Centro-Bud, a company offering construction materials, and Kamil Andrejuk, owner of Linare, a company producing architectural concrete.

Scena,a na niej dwóch mężczyzn i jedna kobieta. Wszyscy trzymają w dłoniach zielone teczki i brązowe koperty.

We were surprised how successful the ideas of the participants were. They live here, talk to each other, know what they lack, that's why their ideas were "on point".

Stefan Bedkowski

On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised that they had such ideas when they were in their teens. When I was 17 or 18, I didn't think so. I was thinking more about what college to go to, not that I would ever start a business and employ people.

Kamil Andrejuk

Entrepreneurs told young people about the ups and downs of running their own business, how to overcome resistance to being “on their own”, how to look for good sides and opportunities for development in an economic crisis.

Believe that you have something to offer the world, because already during these meetings you gave us a lot of inspiration and good energy.

Agata Łuksza

The competition provides prizes for three places (1st – PLN 3,000, 2nd – PLN 2,000, 3rd – PLN 1,000) and a special prize for the winner of the internet vote (PLN 1,000).

Scena. Trzy młode dziewczyny i dwóch chłopaków trzymają tablice z wypisaną kwotą nagrody.

Here are the winners of the competition:

1st Place

Production of regional drinks “Szczerba” / I LO
What to do with fruits growing in the vicinity of the Białowieża Forest? “Exquisite and healthy non-alcoholic wine.”

2nd Place

“MiR Weronika Sadowska”, II LO
This business is a remedy for long queues for rehabilitation. The author will arrive at the patient’s home and perform a massage or other rehabilitation treatments.

3rd Place

And the internet award

“WiO”, or “Cherries and Crumbs” / I LO
This is a proposal of a cafe-reading room for young people. With good coffee and local pastries. Cozy decor, meetings with book authors once a month. The first place of this type in Hajnówka.

life brought ideas

The idea of the duo from I LO is called WiO, i.e. cherries and crumbs. It’s the name of the reading-café that the girls would like to open in the city. It would be a place where you can read, drink good coffee and eat a piece of cake, e.g. marcinek cake. Author meetings would also be held here. Where did this idea come from?

Because there is no such place in Hajnówka, young people have nothing to do here. We would like to introduce some variety to the city, to offer something to young people. We did not expect so many votes from Internet users. We are very grateful to everyone who voted for us.

Oliwia Fedorów and Wiktoria Płuciennik

Weronika Sadowska, the winner of the 2nd place, proposed a health service. MiR is massage and rehabilitation with access to the patient. To order the service, just call. This is an offer for people who do not want to wait in queues for physiotherapists and need quick help.

“Szczerba”, the winning business plan, is a company producing regional drinks, specifically wine, from ingredients from the Białowieża Forest.

Scena. Młody chłopak mówi do mikrofonu.

The idea came from a very simple reason, namely my dad produces such homemade wine for his own use and all the guests who came to us and tried this wine, each time asked if it was possible to buy it somewhere, how to get it. That's where the idea came from. I thought that it would be worth propagating it, and possibly achieve business success in the future.

Gabriel Szczerba, the winner of the competition

In his opinion, the competition is a small step to try to keep young people in Hajnówka, to make the city develop.

Entrepreneurs also awarded special distinctions to the participants. This group included:
  • Oliwia Fedorów and Wiktoria Płuciennik, Cherries and Crumbs
  • Gabriela Olesiuk from the Complex of Vocational Schools in Hajnówka, Animal Planet (hotel for animals)
  • Gabriel Szczerba, “Szczerba” (regional soft drinks)
  • Weronika Sadowska,  MiR (massage and rehabilitation)
  • Franciszek Borkowski, Borkowski LTD (personal trainer).
Scena, a na niej troje uczniów i trzech przedsiębiorców.

We distinguished projects that seemed to us the most realistic, those that are the least risky for people just starting in business, and at the same time fill a niche on the market.

Agata Łuksza from Pracownia Bobra

If I was looking for an opportunity to invest money, regional wine production and a hotel for animals are ideas that would interest me

Stefan Bedkowski from Centro-Bud

You can earn money in Hajnówka - all you need is access to the Internet

A special guest told young people why it is worth staying in Hajnówka and doing business here. It was Adam Zdanowicz from Białystok, the founder of the MAD Bicycles brand. He entered the stage with one of his unique bicycles and immediately captivated the audience. Today, his brand is known in the world, and his bikes are ordered by stars. However, ten years ago he competed similarly to these young people, taking part in a competition announced by the Podlasie Regional Development Foundation.

Scena. Mężczyzna ubrany w czarne spodnie i niebieską marynarkę patrzy na oldschoolowy rower.

Ten years ago I had nothing. By "nothing" I mean my father let me into the garage where mice were running around the walls," he said. “I got a welder and started making my first new bike. To be good at what you do, that is, to get a master's degree in any field, you have to do it for at least ten thousand hours.

Adam Zdanowicz - MAD Bicycles

Adam Zdanowicz admitted that he worked even longer. Because he saw sense in what he was doing. Work was his passion, hobby, and it is still today.

Being in Hajnówka, you are not worse at all. You are even better off than those in Warsaw or other large cities, because there is a constant rat race there, he said. – You have access to the Internet and this is your key to earning money. My clients are online. You can live under an oak tree and you're no worse. Here you have peace of mind and time to plan what you want to be.

Adam Zdanowicz - MAD Bicycles
SceGrupa uczniów na scenie uśmiecha się do zdjęcia.

The first edition of the competition “My idea for business” is behind us. Next year, also under the Norwegian funds, another one will take place. We encourage young people to collect ideas.

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