Neighborhood initiative
Do you remember the Day of Werobieja Street? It’s an event organized as part of a neighborhood initiative. If you have ideas for your own initiative, submit them. You are the ones who can win funding.
We would like to remind you that the Neighborhood Initiative competition is held as part of the “Hajnówka ReNewal – Green Transformation” project. Last year its first edition took place. Thanks to the contest, the Hajnówka-based Blue Rhino Band recorded material for a new album and shot a music video. In early August, on the other hand, the event Wierobiej Street Day was held, with the aim of recalling the history of this one of the oldest streets in the city and reviving it.
The idea of the Neighborhood Initiative arose already at the stage of writing the funding application. We wanted the maximum involvement of residents in the creation of the project. We promised that we would implement their ideas, and we did.
It’s time for new initiatives. We will choose two winning ideas from among the submitted ideas. They will actually be chosen by the residents because they will be put to a vote. We will allocate PLN 32,000 for their implementation. Who can apply? All you need to do is gather a group of at least five friends. Your projects cannot be of an investment nature. This means that we cannot finance, for example, the construction of a sidewalk, but rather an event that will result in neighborhood integration. You must implement your idea by the end of the year.
How to submit ideas? Fill out the form and send it to the email address: or drop it in one of the idea boxes. You can find them in the following places:
Hajnówka City Hall, 1 A. Zina Street (main hall, first floor),
Dr. Tadeusz Rakowiecki Municipal Public Library in Hajnówka, 45 May 3 Street (library lobby, first floor),
Hajnówka Cultural Center, 4 Tamara Sołoniewicz Street (HDK hall, first floor).